Lavender Roses
Roses Lavender offers a range of exquisite lavender roses that are perfect for special occasions. Available with free delivery in the local area, Roses Lavender also offers special Mother's Day bouquets for those who wish to surprise their loved ones with something unique. Enjoy the beauty of these unique roses today!
✿ 50cm Total Length (40 cm of stem + head)
✿ Approx. bloom size: 5 cm / 2 in
✿ Gift Messaging Available At Checkout
✿ Vase not Included
✿ Read Free Shipping Policy
Available in different packs per case:
- Mini-Pack 50 Stems
- Large Pack 100 Stems
✿ Choosing a variety-specific rose is the best way to guarantee a specific color for your event.✿ Roses are shipped in 25-stem bunches. Roses are packed in two layers to ensure protection during shipping. 12 roses on the top layer, 13 roses on the bottom layer. Count the stems to ensure you have received your whole order.
✿ Roses are shipped fresh from the farm. They will have thorns and guard petals. Remove thorns and guard petals before arranging flowers.
✿ Roses are shipped in bud form; once the rose is hydrated, the bloom will open to a much larger size.
Please, Watch the Roses Care & Handling video
✔ Vase Life: The flowers are harvested 3 days before it reaches your door, for this reason, they can last between 8 and 15 days in Vase or Arrangement.
✔ Freshness: The flowers to be harvested and sent directly from the Grower to the final consumer we can guarantee that they will be perfectly fresh and not with the heads folded at your event.