Lavender Roses
Select the perfect rose for any occasion! Choose exactly the color tone and variety you like best for your event. Simply chose the variety you love best and select the quantity you need. Some varieties are limited quantities so please check first with our knowledgable sales staff for availability.
50cm Total Length
Free Farm Direct Shipping
Premium Ecuadorian Roses
Available in different stems lengths and packs per case
Packaging Description - 25 stems per bunch (Roses are packed in 2 layers. When the bunch is still closed you can only see 12 blooms from the to of the bunch. Please flip the bunch over and count the stems to verify the correct amount was shipped. DO NOT open the cardboard wrap before you hydrate your rose! This will cause damage!!!
Note - All orange roses have a light tint of red or yellow on the outer guard petals. This is not the true color of the rose! Once the rose is allowed 2-3 days to open, its true color and beauty will be shown. All items a shipped via a true FARM DIRECT system and are subject to a US customs review. This although very rare can delay your shipment by 1 day. Please have your order delivered 3 days prior to your event to allow you enough time to process your roses and to prevent any issues due to a customs entry delay.